All you need to know about RC 14001

Responsible Care, an industry-wide EHSS performance improvement process, was approved by ACC as a member obligation in 1988. In 1992, ACC expanded the program's reach by building a partnership program for organizations such as barge, rail, warehouse, general hospital and storage companies and trucks, all handling chemicals in the supply chain.

Responsible Care focuses on key needs designed to improve the overall performance of the industry, respond to stakeholder concerns regarding the operation of the industry and its products, and assist companies in performing their overall business function.

Responsible Care partners and Member companies of the American Chemistry Council have developed the technical specification of RC14001 as a tool to better integrate environmental, health, safety and security (EHSS) operations into their business operations while meeting the requirements of commercial and other stakeholders for better performance.

The RC14001 implements the ISO 14001 standard environmental management standard as a platform, adding health and safety and safety issues to the management system's scale. The RC14001 also incorporates certain aspects of care related to supply chain management, product management and stakeholder engagement, all of which require managers to address risk and risk issues beyond their organizational boundaries.

By expanding the scope of the management system, organizations have the opportunity to take a holistic view of their operations and products and incorporate multiple management strategies into the development and implementation of the system. RC14001 offers organizations the opportunity to integrate their processes and processes into planning, training, compliance monitoring, benchmarking and measurement, record keeping, document management and management review. Many ACC companies combine their quality systems with the RC14001 to create truly seamless business operations.

Under RC 14001, an organization can develop a single environmental, health and safety management system (EH&S) that simultaneously complies with both of these standards, while giving consumers and other stakeholders a greater challenge to be confident in their performance. To assist firms interested in following this new integrated process, ACC has created the RC-14001 Technical System Technical Specification, which aligns each ISO 14001 system in accordance with the relevant details of the Responsible Care process.

Organizations that performed the RC14001 audit report on improvements in the following areas: staff RC 14001 Auditor Training and awareness, procurement and EHSS vendors, integration of EHSS objectives and benchmarking processes, contractor selection and selection, consolidation of internal audit processes, and coordination of related operations management. and EHSS in the tradition of "owned" at a company or business level.

Such organization as Punyam Academy offers such kind of online course of Responsive Care 14001 Auditor Training and following are the objectives of this Course:
  • Familiarize with Responsive Care 14001.
  • Understand the Responsive Care 14001 requirements.
  • Documented Information of RC 14001:2015 Responsible Care.
  • Familiarize yourself with RC 14001:2015 Internal Management System Audit.
  • Understanding of Internal Responsible Care System Audit Records.
  • Understanding of impact & objectives of environmental aspects & risk identification.
  • Know about the audit types and questioning techniques.
  • Know about Steps for RC 14001:2015 Installation & Certification.
To enroll this Online Responsive Care 14001 Auditor Training e-learning courseVisit here



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