ISO 20121 - What is Main Role in the Events Industry?

Events can also have social and cultural benefits as well for economic events. Events may be help to strengthen the pride of the community and provide opportunities for new experiences, learning and entertainment. Participating in cultural, artistic, scientific, recreational or sporting events gives people the opportunity to enrich their lives and increase their vision.

However, these types of events, especially large ones, when poorly managed can have serious social, cultural, political, environmental and economic impacts on host communities. Adverse effects include social isolation and abuse, drug abuse, social isolation, misappropriation of funds, opinion polls, environmental damage, pollution, noise disturbance, price increases, etc.

Not only the event industry, but all types of organizations have recognized the importance and need to integrate the environmental, economic and social dimensions into all aspects of their businesses.

Regard to this, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a new standard to support event organizers in combining sustainability with their operations. This new ISO 20121 Standard is the ISO 20121: 2012 event sustainability management systems - Requirements with guidelines for implementation. Sustainability is the level of continuous development in the context of an organization or event. In addition, sustainable development is development that meets current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

The ISO 20121 sets out the requirements for event sustainability management system to improve event sustainability. No matter what type or size, it applies to all event organizers involved in the design and delivery of events - from small events to major events. There are always different geographical, cultural and social conditions.

With the advent of ISO 20121, the event industry is now on a challenging journey towards a sustainable future. As organizations seek to use sustainability strategies, in response, there has been a need for event coaches who understand the concepts of sustainability within the context of event production.

Punyam Academy – An Exemplar Global Recognized Training Provider and provides the Online Courses for a wide range of professional standards. Among other international standards, it offers also ISO 20121 Lead Auditor Training and certification services for professionals who want to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the main processes of an Event sustainability management system; auditors who want to perform and ISO 20121 lead certification audits of the relevant management system; and staff involved in the implementation of the ISO 20121:2012 standard.



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