What are the 5 Food Safety Awareness Training requirements?


The Food Safety Awareness Training provides knowledge for awareness of food safety management system, HACCP system, food safety hazards, good personal hygiene, etc. This Training helps in the improvement of food safety in any food establishment. These all subjects will be useful in daily practices for any food organizations, such as food processing/manufacturing companies, eateries, food stores, etc. Food Safety Awareness Training also includes PRP requirements, which help the organization to make changes in the plant and facility to establish food safety. 

Introduction to the Food Safety Management System

The Food Safety Management System (FSMS) identifies and controls food safety hazards at every stage of food preparation, through a holistic system of controls consisting of:

·         HACCP principles: a scientific and systematic approach towards identifying, preventing, and reducing food-borne hazards in the food process chain.

·         Pre-requisite programmes: basic programmes and practices that establish and maintain a hygienic environment. 
Efficient and accurate maintenance of documentation and records to ensure FSMS is monitored easily, and to allow traceability of hazards to the contamination source.

The Basic Conditions to Achieve Food Safety - PRP

Food-safety management systems are management systems that involve the systematic and logical assessment of all the steps in a food-manufacturing operation. A food-safety management system cannot be successfully implemented unless the facility has PRPs in place.

Prerequisite programmes (PRPs) are the minimum control measures, actions and procedures that must be performed to manufacture a product that meets these needs. As no single policy or set of standards can be applied to every plant or distribution system, PRPs are used as guides in establishing individual plant policies.

HACCP System - In general

HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. For successful implementation of a HACCP plan, management must be strongly committed to the HACCP concept. A firm commitment to HACCP by top management provides company employees with a sense of the importance of producing safe food.

For a successful HACCP program to be properly implemented, management must be committed to a HACCP approach. A commitment by management will indicate an awareness of the benefits and costs of HACCP and include education and training of employees. Benefits, in addition to enhanced assurance of food safety, are better use of resources and timely response to problems.

Personal Hygiene in Food Safety

Good personal hygiene habits go a long way with customers. You are handling their food, and they want to see food handlers that look professional and put-together, as opposed to food handlers that follow poor hygiene habits.

Food Safety Hazards and Critical Control Points (CCP)

The Critical Control Point (CCP) in food safety is a part of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles, which is a preventative approach to food safety. The CCP is a point in the food production journey where control can be applied to prevent a particular hazard from occurring. A CCP could be found during the processes used for cooking, re-heating, cooling and holding food. Therefore, knowing what a CCP is and how to effectively manage them is of the utmost importance.

CCP stands for Critical Control Point. A CCP is a point where control can be applied to food handling processes, to reduce and prevent hazards from occurring. This control point will apply to biological, chemical, physical and allergenic hazards which have been identified.

Source: https://foodsafetystandard.wordpress.com/


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